What is Content?

Have you ever paid a visit to a company’s website in search of information and been disenchanted by an error in their spelling or grammar? Or, have you encountered descriptions of their services that were complicated and confusing, causing you to move on to their competitor in frustration? The first impression most potential clients haveContinue reading “What is Content?”

Protecting Your Brand: Online Reviews

Protecting your online brand is imperative in this modern day, Most of us obtain our information online on social media or news websites. We usually begin our search for information on engines such as the giant, Google. People will quickly avoid patronizing your business due to negative reviews they see online, ultimately threatening your belovedContinue reading “Protecting Your Brand: Online Reviews”

I Write Property Descriptions.

Over the years, I have learned just how much people loathe writing. I get it. I really do. If it produces the same internal angst as an algebraic expression or Excel spreadsheet do for me, then it makes all of the most perfect sense. Well, good news! I love writing, and property descriptions for aContinue reading “I Write Property Descriptions.”