Protecting Your Brand: Online Reviews

Protecting your online brand is imperative in this modern day, Most of us obtain our information online on social media or news websites. We usually begin our search for information on engines such as the giant, Google. People will quickly avoid patronizing your business due to negative reviews they see online, ultimately threatening your beloved enterprise and of course, your livelihood.

Unfortunately, a company’s reputation can be dragged down by negative reviews which may include testimonials as well as low-star ratings. Platforms such as Facebook, Yelp, the Better Business Bureau, and especially Google, to name a few, are the primary online venues angry clients and customers visit when they are dissatisfied. It requires a simple online search for them to find the form and fill it in with their tales of discontent. There, they will share their disappointment with the world.

Fortunately, however, it is easy to repair that damage, and that’s where Maescribes can help. As a service I will respond to online reviews for your business. The negativity of a review can be lessened by a simple response, showing future clients and customers that you really do care, and that your business is responsive. Sometimes all a person wants is to be heard.

Another service Maescribes offers is to make contact with your satisfied past and current clients and customers to ask them to leave a positive review. This will help drown out any negative online reviews, and it will also show future patrons that your business delivers.

CONTACT ME today and we can begin to clean up your online profile right away. I would be thrilled to hear from you!

Published by Teresa Forester Adams

Hello, my friend. I am Teresa Adams. Currently, I live in Western Massachusetts, but I spent twenty years in Eastern North Carolina near Camp Lejeune and Topsail Island, so I call two places home. The beach with the warm salted air and the New England woods with crunchy brown leaves each call to me, so I answer to both. My name is also Jack and I have just a few trades. Writing is what I do best, but I also love to play songs on my red piano, walk barefoot in the woods that surround my house, and bake sweet treats like cream puffs and crème brûlée. There’s something about opening up a soft vanilla bean and scraping out the delicacies inside. I found a knack for using old items like quilts and jars to decorate new spaces, and I can knit anything with four rightish angles. The old me is someone who used to fight fire with the coolest group of people, and a girl who was married to a hero. I now attend Westfield State University as a non-traditional student with the most loving and talented group of professors and other English majors. When I have a moment, I play a card game called pitch with my four sons, sit with my many chickens who all have their own names like Norma Jean, Peow, and Djin Jarin, and the doors on my Jeep will be off from May until September. It is all wonderful therapy for some difficult writing I sometimes do. In the past year I began my memoir about my life as a war widow and committed to finishing it before summer opens her arms and buds. I will finish the book in order to clear my mind and make room for the next big venture, some freelance work, and upcoming important blog projects, which I’ll do at home. I currently live in an old white farmhouse next to a red barn with three of my four sons. My oldest graduated from North Carolina State and lives at the beach in North Carolina. We are kept company by three German shepherds, two cats who wear tuxedos, sixteen chickens, a few mice who live in the basement, and a bearded dragon, Ringo.

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